Live Sports Betting: Maximize the Player Experience

Dolby Millicast is transforming the live sports betting industry by providing real-time video streaming to over a million players globally, all within 500 milliseconds. Our technology enhances player engagement across all devices and networks, making us a game-changer in sports betting.

Take player engagement to the next level

Dolby Millicast knows fairness, trust, and compliance are critical to player success. We help online operators demonstrate credibility by consistently delivering a great player experience through high-quality products that satisfy regulatory requirements across all global jurisdictions.

Standards-based WebRTC CDN
Standards-based WebRTC CDN Sub-second latency Get started with broadcast quality streams Simulcast globally Enhanced security Flexible and transparent pricing Expert solutions engineers
WebRTC is the new standard for low-latency online streaming. WebRTC is faster than HLS and more scalable than RTMP. Dolby Millicast support more than 100,000 simultaneous viewers. Dolby Millicast is a global WebRTC content delivery network (CDN) with data centers dedicated to streaming in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific. Operators can move away from aging architecture by leveraging WebRTC to build future-proof gaming experiences.
One way we enable a great player experience is by ensuring all players see the same thing simultaneously. Dolby Millicast makes sure your in-game sports betting streams reach audiences in less than 500 milliseconds – no matter where they are or what device they’re on (including mobile). From horse racing to digital slots and everything in between, Dolby Millicast enables a player experience that keeps fans happy. Despite claims of real-time streaming performance, competitors often lag with delays of 10 seconds or more.
If you’re an operator focused on sports betting, you need high-quality video that displays everything happening onthe field. Dolby Millicast streaming supports high frame rates and unlimited resolution and can ingest video from RTMP software or hardware encoders. You can use our WebRTC OBS software to start streaming in minutes, not days.
You can’t control how fast (or slow) the internet is when players join a game but you can optimize your video stream to work across a wide range of conditions. Dolby Millicast supports simulcast and can stream low, medium, or high-resolution video so your players can see and place bets wherever they are.

WebRTC encryption

WebRTC is secure by default and has no way to send data without encrypting it first. WebRTC uses AES and SRTP encryption. Both are highly recognized security specifications. Browser vendors like Google and Microsoft are constantly looking for security vulnerabilities. They will push out a security patch if they find a threat in the WebRTC components being utilized within their browsers.

Geo-IP restrictions

Dolby Millicast ensures operators stay compliant with regulatory bodies by only supporting players who are within local jurisdictions.

Dolby Millicast secure subscriber tokens

Protect video streams from link sharing and ensure only your customers see your streams.

Scalable pricing plans to meet your needs. Talk to us about building a personalized plan that grows with you.
When things go sideways, operators need immediate and expert help. The Dolby Millicast gives our customers direct access to engineers and support teams that helped author WebRTC industry standards. We can deep dive into issues and help you triage problems in real-time. Visit our support page to learn more.

Learn more in our live sports betting solutions brief

Dive into our solutions brief to learn how Dolby Millicast maximizes the player experience.

Get started

Deliver an engaging player experience with Dolby Millicast

Learn more about how we can help you increase your handle with real-time streaming or start testing for free. No credit card to start. Get 50 GB per month just for signing up.

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